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35kV~10kV                                                                          模块化智能预制舱式变电站
                                  模块化智能预制舱式变电站                                                    专注细节    品质取胜
                                  Modular intelligent prefabricated substation           Focus on the details of quality to win

          概述 Overview

          适用于城市、农村 10Kv~35Kv 集成变电站中小型变(配)电站,厂矿企业变电站的建设及改造。因其深入负荷中心,减小供电半径,提高供电质量,特别适合用于
          城市配电网改造,被誉为“21 世纪变电站建设的目标模式”。                                                                              最新小型柜
          35kV~10kV modular intelligent prefabricated substation is an electrical unit such as transformer, multi-circuit high voltage switch system, reactive power
          compensation device, insulated busbar, substation integrated automation system, communication, telecontrol, metering and DC power supply, according to
          systemic, The principle of safety, reliability, easy maintenance and integration is integrated in a steel structure box with heat insulation, fire prevention, anti-theft,
          moisture-proof, anti-small animals, five-sided ventilation, fully enclosed and movable.
          It is applicable to the construction and transformation of small and medium-sized transformer (power) substation of 10Kv~35Kv integrated substation in urban and
          rural areas. Because it is deep into the load center, reducing the power supply radius and improving the power supply quality, it is especially suitable for urban   GE
          distribution network transformation, and is known as the "target mode of substation construction in the 21st century."  品牌授权柜
          It complies with the standards of the State Grid Corporation, the new rural electrification standard system and the electrification implementation plan. Really realized
          the traditional way of building a substation to buy an integrated substation!

          产品特点 Features
          ■ 35kV~10kV 模块化智能预制舱式变电站标准设计占地仅为 230 平米,与常规变电站相比,可节省 60%~80% 占地面积,符合国家节约土地政策。                              箱式变电站
          ■ 所用电气设备,大部分为我公司自行生产,有效地降低产品成本;电气设备都装于室内,不会受外界因素的影响,运行和维护成本大大降低;采用全金
          ■ 采用整体化的建设方案,常规的设计方案都已经经过多次建设,设计、施工都按现成的方案进行,局部调整量极少,各功能模块如:进线模块,出线模块,
          变压及保护模块只需直接调用,生产周期相对较短。建设周期缩短至 3 个月,而常规变电站的建设周期至少需要 1 年左右,真的是建一个站不如买一个站。
          ■ 模块化智能预制舱式变电站对环境几乎没有什么影响,因为前期施工量非常少,除结构外,所有的施工工作都在室内进行,运行过程中的噪声及电磁辐射都
          屏蔽在金属层内。而且外壳结构都是金属构件,使用寿命比砖混及水泥结构的长得多,并且所有的部件都可以回收再利用。                                                     高压开关柜
          ■ The standard design of the 35kV~10kV modular intelligent prefabricated substation covers an area of   only 230 square meters. Compared with the conventional
          substation, it can save 60%~80% of the land area and conform to the national land saving policy.
          ■ Most of the electrical equipment used is produced by our company, which effectively reduces the cost of the product; the electrical equipment is installed indoors,
          is not affected by external factors, and the operation and maintenance costs are greatly reduced; the full metal structure shell, all components They are all treated
          with anti-corrosion treatment, with minimal maintenance, long service life and low energy consumption;
          ■ Adopting a holistic construction plan, the conventional design has been constructed many times. The design and construction are carried out according to the   低压开关柜
          ready-made plan. The local adjustment is very small. Each function module is as follows: incoming module, outlet module, transformer and The protection module
          only needs to be called directly, and the production cycle is relatively short. The construction period is shortened to 3 months, and the construction period of the
          conventional substation needs at least 1 year. It is really better to build a station than to buy a station.
          ■ Modular intelligent prefabricated substation has little impact on the environment, because the amount of construction in the early stage is very small. Except for
          the structure, all construction work is carried out indoors, and noise and electromagnetic radiation during operation are shielded in the metal layer. Moreover, the
          outer casing structure is a metal component, the service life is much longer than that of the brick and cement structure, and all the components can be recycled and
          reused.                                                                                                    电缆分支箱、元件及配电系统

          使用条件 Conditions of Use

          ■ 使用产所:户外;                                 ■ Use of laboratories: outdoor;
          ■ 海拔高度:≤ 3000m;                            ■ Altitude: ≤ 3000m;
          ■ 环境温度:-45℃ ~ +45℃,最高日平均气温不超过 35℃;         ■ Ambient temperature: -45 ℃ ~ +45 ℃ , the highest daily average temperature does not
                                                     exceed 35 ℃ ;
          ■ 风速:≤ 35m/s;
                                                     ■ Wind speed: ≤ 35m/s;
          ■ 地面倾斜度:≤ 5;
                                                     ■ Ground inclination: ≤ 5;
          ■ 阳光辐射:≤ 1000W/m2;
                                                     ■ Solar radiation: ≤ 1000W/m2;
          ■ 相对湿度:日平均≤ 95%,月平均≤ 90%;
                                                     ■ Relative humidity: daily average ≤ 95%, monthly average ≤ 90%;
          ■ 覆冰厚度:10mm;
                                                     ■ Ice thickness: 10mm;
          ■ 地震裂度:不超过 8 级;                                                                                            电力总包工程
                                                     ■ Earthquake crack: no more than 8 levels;
          ■ 地基:地基承载力特征值 Fak = 150kpa,无地下水影响;
                                                     ■ Foundation: The bearing capacity of the foundation is Fak = 150kpa, no groundwater
          ■ 安装地点无爆炸危险、火灾、化学腐蚀及剧烈震动。                  impact;
          ■ 超出本使用条件规定时,请与我们技术部门联系。                   ■ There is no danger of explosion, fire, chemical corrosion and severe vibration at the
                                                     installation site.
                                                     ■ Please contact our technical department when the conditions of use are exceeded.
                                                                                             携手法腾、共创未来 004
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